Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Myth #1: “We don’t know what Grand Ronde blood is. We should leave it alone until we come up with a standard definition.”

Answer: Grand Ronde blood is what is running through your veins right now.

Myth #2: “We’ll have hundreds, maybe 1000 new members.”

Answer: Tribal Council has established that we will have approximately 298 new members. Two thirds of these people are 1/16th, and their offspring will not be eligible.

Myth #3: “Everyone had a chance to enroll before 1999. It’s not our fault they didn’t.”

Answer: Many of the people whose children and grandchildren are affected enrolled long before 1999.…many before a casino was even mentioned.

Myth #4: “Everyone should have an ancestor on the Restoration Roll anyway.”

Answer: The Restoration Roll was based on the BIA Termination Roll that was incomplete.

Myth #5: “Lots of new members will threaten our benefits.”

Answer: All the endowments are fully funded except Health. There will be a temporary dip in per capita for one year.

Myth #6: “Tribal members decided this issue in 1999.”

Answer: Many people voted on misinformation. Many people regret that they voted for the 1999 amendment. They did not realize that it would affect their own families.

Myth #7: “We’ll be bringing in more people with other Indian blood (roll-jumpers).”

Answer: No new blood can come in. Anyone who applies MUST HAVE A PARENT ON THE ROLL.

Contact Families for Enrollment at: 541/206-3477; grenrollment@gmail.com or go to our
Blog at: http://www.grenrollment.blogspot.com/

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