Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Letter for the SMOKE SIGNALS

November 2007
Dear Tribal Members,

Enrollment has been and will continue to be a hot topic in not only our Tribe, but all Indian Country. I personally believe that regardless of how the upcoming Constitutional election fares, whether members vote for the changes or for our membership requirements to remain the same, the issue will probably not die out, ever. In our lives I would say it is very likely that we will see other proposed amendments to our Constitution regarding enrollment requirements. What those will be exactly I can’t really say, but I promise you they will come.
Frankly, I am fine with that. Much like immigration issues in our country, developing laws and policies to control population growth is naturally to be expected. You can’t govern a nation when its population is expanding at a rate that is impossible to manage. I think that is what our Tribal Council had in mind back in 1999 when they put forth the Constitutional amendment for the General Membership to vote on.
I don’t think they intended many of the side-effects that have since plagued some of our Tribal families, particularly those with split siblings–one who can enroll and one who cannot. Or people who have plenty of Indian blood but cannot enroll because their parents aren’t on the Restoration roll. Or those 35 children whose parents were sent letters in 2005 informing them of “errors” in their enrollment files, meaning the status they enjoyed as Tribal members would be revoked.
The proposed amendments to our Constitution will fix many of these problems. It may not fix every enrollment problem, realistically some probably can’t be fixed. But it will help heal the damage that has been done to some of our Tribal families. I know this because one of those families is my own.
I am asking you as a fellow Tribal member to please register and vote “yes” on the proposed Constitutional amendments coming up in February. You will be doing something very good, very humane, and very generous. It is the right thing to do.


Dee Edwards

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


By now, all tribal members should have received a letter and a post card from Tribal Council setting the new date for the Enrollment Amendment Election.

Election Day is Feb. 8, 2008. Registration packets will be mailed on Dec. 10, 2007.

Members must register by Jan. 11, 2008.

Ballots will be mailed on Jan. 22, 2008.

Information sessions will be held in Grand Ronde, Portland and Eugene.

Marilyn Portwood

Family Bonds

Dear Families,

On June 23, 2007 my dad, Darrell Adams a Grand Ronde member, died of cancer. One of the most important wishes he wanted for his children was for us to have our heritage. His three children have been denied enrollment because of the flawed enrollment policy. The emphasis for denying our enrollment seems to be put on how the enrollment will affect the multi-million-dollar budget. For our us, the emphasis is placed on our heritage. I visited my dad's grave the other day and by his headstone a hawk feather was placed in the soil. I don't know who placed it there (no one else seems to know where it came from either). However, I believe the feather was placed as a reminder to fight for what my dad wanted so much for his children, their heritage. My dad's spirit is all around us. We can feel it most when we breath in the fresh air and smell the timber that he loved so much. My dad had pride in being a member of the Grand Ronde Tribe and he wanted us to feel the same pride. So for us, the children of a Grand Ronde member, it isn't about money. It is about our heritage and the bond we share so strongly with our dad.

Teri Adams-Wassmuth

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Starting Over...


The BIA conducted "Grand Ronde Constitutional Election" will be starting all over again - this time with three Amendments. New Voter Packets with new Registration forms will eventually be mailed out by the BIA to all known Grand Ronde General Council Members, once the new election date and timeline is set. The above information and more was obtained during a phone conversation on Thursday afternoon, September 27, 2007, with Ron Kortlever, Superintendent of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) - Siletz Agency in Siletz, Oregon, concerning the Grand Ronde Constitutional Election.

The interesting thing is that the majority of our General Council Membership does not even know that the BIA conducted "Grand Ronde Constitutional Election" scheduled for October 31, 2007 was discontinued by our Tribal Council through an approved Resolution on September 14, 2007. The recorded message at the special 800 number for questions about that election is still saying the election will be held on October 31, 2007. I think it is "past time" that someone change the recorded message.

As the saying goes - Stay tuned!Leroy Good

Friday, September 21, 2007


Grand Ronde members should register to vote on the BIA election immediately!

Be ready to vote in case the timeline of the election stands as it is now. It could be possible that the only thing that changed is the number of amendments from 2 to 3. We do not know yet, but register to vote immediately.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Ad Hoc Committee Focal Point Page

..."the Committee came to an understanding early on and decided that our obligation and focus was to find a way to fairly give all Grand Ronde descendants the opportunity to recapture their cultural ties with their ancestors and Tribe and to bring together the split families we've seen as a result of the 1999 enrollment ordinance amendment."

Friday, August 31, 2007

Timeline for Enrollment Vote

On or before September 5, 2007, notice of the special election will be posted at various locations Tribal campus and at the BIA Siletz office.

September 5, 2007, packets will be sent to all Tribal members who will be 18 years of age or older on the election date. The packet will include notice of the special election, a sample ballot and a voter registration form (with self-addressed postage paid return envelope).

September 26, 2007, all registration forms for the special election must be received by BIA Siltez Agency office.

October 8, 2007, Voter registration list will be posted at various locations on Tribal campus and at the BIA Siletz Agency office.

October 15, 2007, Official Ballots will be mailed to all registered voters.

October 18, 2007, the last day to challenge the Voter Registration List.

October 31, 2007, ELECTION DAY - All ballots must be received by noon at the BIA Siletz Agency. Ballots will be transferred to Tribal headquarters and the ballots will be counted there beginning at 2 p.m.

Proposed Changes to Constitution


Section 1. Requirements: The membership of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon shall consist of all persons who are not enrolled as members of another recognized tribe, band or community and, who for one year have fully and unconditionally relinquished membership in another Indian Tribe and;

(a) whose names validly appear on the official tribal membership roll prepared under the Grand Ronde Restoration Act; provided, that such roll may be corrected by the Tribal Council with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior; or

(b) whose names validly appear on the official tribal membership roll as of September 14, 1999; provided that such roll may be corrected by the Tribal Council in accordance with the tribal enrollment ordinance; or

(c) who possess at least one-sixteenth (1/16) degree Grand Ronde blood quantum and were born to a parent who was a member of the Tribe at the time of the applicant's birth and who, unless deceased, is a member of the Grand Ronde Tribe at the time the applicant files an application for enrollment; have filed an application for enrollment according to procedures established pursuant to Section 3 of this Article, and have been accepted as members in accordance with the tribal ordinance adopted under Section 3 of this Article.

For purposes of this section, Grand Ronde blood is defined as all Indian blood derived from a direct ancestor whose name validly appears on the official tribal membership roll prepared under the Grand Ronde Restoration Act; provided that such roll may be corrected by the Tribal Council with the approval of the Secretary of Interior.



The BIA election will be in the form of two amendments.

Amendment 1: The first paragraph of the Grand Ronde Constitution, Article V, Section 1, shall be changed to read as follows: Section 1. Requirements: The membership of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon shall consist of all persons who are not enrolled as members of another recognized tribe, band or community and, who for five years have fully and unconditionally relinquished membership in another Indian Tribe and;

Amendment 2: The Grand Ronde Constitution, Article V, Sections 1(b) and 1(c), shall be changed to read as follows: (a) whose names validly appear on the official tribal membership roll prepared under the Grand Ronde Restoration Act; provided, that such roll may be corrected by the Tribal Council with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior; or(b) whose names validly appear on the official tribal membership roll as of (the effective date of the amendment); provided that such roll may be corrected by the Tribal Council in accordance with the tribal enrollment ordinance; or(c) who possess at least one-sixteenth (1/16) degree Grand Ronde blood quantum and were born to a parent who, unless deceased, is a member of the Grand Ronde Tribe at the time the applicant files an application for enrollment; have filed an application for enrollment according to procedures established pursuant to Section 3 of this Article, and have been accepted as members in accordance with the tribal ordinance adopted under Section 3 of this Article.

The final paragraph of the Grand Ronde Constitution, Article V, Section 1, shall be changed to read as follows: For purposes of this section, Grand Ronde blood is defined as all Indian blood derived from a direct ancestor whose name validly appears on the official tribal membership roll as of the date the person is accepted as a member of the tribe; provided that such roll may be corrected by the Tribal Council in accordance with the tribal enrollment ordinance.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

BIA Election FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)


What is the process for conducting a BIA election?

All eligible Grand Ronde Tribal members will:
Be notified through mail when the election will be held.
Will be able to vote by mail.
Will receive a Voter's Pamphlet from the BIA in the mail.
You must register with the BIA to vote in this special election even if you are already registered to vote in the Tribal Council elections.
All Tribal members 18 years of age or older are eligible to vote.
All information on how to register to vote will be included in the Voter's Pamphlet.

BIA Election
I will turn 18 years old this year. Can I vote in this election?
If you will be 18 years of age by the date of the election, you wil receive the same information in the mail as everyone else, and will be eligible to vote int he election.

Is there anything about voting in this election I need to pay careful attention to?
You must register with the BIA to vote in this election, even if you are already a registered voter with the Tribe.
When you register to vote by mail, your signature must be signed exactly as the BIA has it or your ballot will not be counted.

Example: Signature on Ballot
If Voter's Pamphlet is addressed to "Mary Margaret Jones"
Signature must read "Mary Margaret Jones".
If signature reads "Mary M. Jones," your ballot will not be counted.
If signature reads "Ms. M. Jones," your ballot will not be counted.

Counting the Votes

What does it take for this amendment to pass?
At least 30% of the BIA registered voters must vote.
Of those BIA registered voters, at least 2/3rds must vote in favor of the amendment

Example: Counting the Votes

If 1,100 eligible Tribal members register with the BIA to vote in this election, and:
650 vote to pass the amendment.
450 vote against the amendment.
The amendment would not pass:
2/3rds of 1,100 is 734.
Unless there were at least 734 votes to pass the amendment, it would fail.

The Tribe said it will post more information on the Tribal member section of the Tribe's webpage:

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ad Hoc Committee Letter

As a former member of the Enrollment Requirements Ad Hoc Committee I feel that the committee came up with the only recommendation that the majority of the committee could agree on. It took us a year and much debate over all the material that we could gather to come up with what we thought would have the best chance of passing. We were all concerned with the issue of split families within the tribe. I, for one, am counting on the fair-minded members of this tribe to vote yes on the recommendation that will at least allow the children of the present membership to enroll.

The recommendation is really simple:
1. A person/child that has 1/16th or more Grand Ronde blood and has a parent on the current roll will be able to enroll in the Grand Ronde Tribe.

2. If they are enrolled in another tribe they must relinquish membership in that tribe for five years.

The current roll is the Restoration Roll plus all the members who have joined the tribe since 1983. I have been told by a tribal member that he is telling everyone he knows that if this does not affect your family to vote no. I am asking you all to think more about this kind of statement. This kind of thinking will not heal the split within the tribe.

I want to see the tribe become one again. I want us to Care for one another, helping each other and their children to have a better future. I want all of us to feel proud of who we are and what we are doing to help all of the members to be able to have a good education, better jobs, and a decent place to live.

We are not just a tribe made up of elders! We need our young people to become educated and self-supporting. They are our future!! Please help heal the split families within our tribe!

Thank you,
Diana Norton

Letter from Rosemary Jameson



Here are the facts if the enrollment proposal passes :

1. If you were coming to our tribe from another tribe, you would have to relinquish 5 years before coming in to our tribe. (The present requirement is to relinquish for 1 year.)

2. You would have to still have 1/16 GR blood quantum,

3. You would still have to have a parent who is a member of the Tribe at the time of your application.

4. Grand Ronde blood is defined as all Indian blood derived from a direct ancestor whose name validly appears on the official tribal membership roll provided that such roll may be corrected by the Tribal Council.

(This is the section where folks think we would get thousands of applicants because it says all Indian blood from your direct ancestor on the Grand Ronde tribal roll is Grand Ronde blood. That idea is not true because you still have to have a parent on the current Grand Ronde tribal roll to apply into our tribe.)

5. One negative aspect of this proposal is that there will still be a few split families even if this passes because this proposal did not use “All” the Grand Ronde rolls and official Grand Ronde records----it uses the Current Tribal roll.

(The Current Tribal roll is based on the Restoration Roll of 1983 plus all who have joined our tribe since 1983.) As we know, not every ancestor’s name was on the Restoration Roll of 1983, so there will still be split families. This proposal will not give enrollment justice to these families. If you know and understand the facts of the proposal, you can help clear up these rumors and misconceptions. Please tell your family and/or pass this letter along to them and ask them to pass it along to other tribal members. Please circulate this letter to all tribal members that you have contact with. Thanks for help.

Please do all you can to help those who have 1/16 GR blood and have GR ancestors on GR rolls to be enrolled.

Best regards,

Rosemary Jameson

Friday, August 10, 2007

Meeting for Enrollment

The Families for Enrollment group met on Wednesday, August 8, 2007. We discussed the green postcard that we sent out and the response that we have received. We sent to close to 3000 tribal members and over 400 were returned, a little over 100 had new addresses and they will be resent. We are still working on correcting our mail list so if you have any new addresses for Tribal Members, please let us know.

We also discussed the issue that has come up, much to our surprise, that there is a big concern as to who we are. Our intent wasn't to be a secret society. We wanted to be viewed as a group - Families for Enrollment. But not knowing who you are communicating with is a bit disconcerting, we know. So, from now on we will report on our meetings and give you a list of the attendees and who is doing which task for the cause. Unless a Tribal Member has a concern of retaliation, then their name will not be listed.

August 8, 2007 - Meeting at 1144 Gateway Loop; Springfield, OR; 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Attending Tribal Members: Dee Edwards, Monty Parazoo, Stephanie Bohetilo, Dell Dickison, Carrie Taylor, Becky Weston, Eli Dickison, Diana Norton, Marilyn Portwood, Marta Clifford, Dwanee Modrell. Also attending: spouses of Tribal Members and children of Tribal Members.

We will be sending out another mailing in the near future. Our plans also include asking each candidate where they stand on three specific issues: Enrollment, Ethics, Attendance. We are also planning to invite the candidates to our meetings to discuss issues in person with them and have them give us their perspective on the current issues facing our Tribe.

Remember, you are invited to attend our meetings. Please write to our email address for details: Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 16, 2007. We are also discussing having our meetings in other locations - Salem? Grand Ronde? Portland? Let us know if you would be willing to attend if we bring the meeting to you.

Thank you for your time. "Chaku Kanamakwst" -- Come Together

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Help update our mail list

Families for Enrollment met last week and sent out a postcard to tribal members. We had worked hard to compile a mail list from our families and from mailings we had received in the past. If you know of someone that didn't receive our postcard and would like to be contacted with future mailings, please help us add to our mail list. You can send addresses to the email at:

Your Vote

Thank you so much for visiting our blog! Some of you have shown us how you will vote, and we appreciate that. If you already know how you are going to vote, will you please let us know what prompted your decision? If you are voting yes, why? Has the 1999 vote affected your family? If so, how? If you are voting no, why? Are you concerned that the change in enrollment will lower your benefits from the Tribe? If so, how?

We are interested in how our fellow tribal members feel about this issue. If you are unsure about how you will vote, we are here to provide you with information on what the vote means and how it will affect the future of Grand Ronde.

Note: if you are concerned about leaving comments on this site, please be assured that you can be totally anonymous. So, please do comment and let us know your feelings on this important subject.

Monday, July 23, 2007


We have a copy of the actual amendment that was sent to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. If you would like to see what the actual wording is, please send a request to our website at: We will forward the actual document to your email. Our goal is to be sure that all Grand Ronde tribal members are aware of the BIA vote and know what their vote will mean.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Families for Enrollment

On Wednesday, July 18, 2007 our group met for the second time. We met in Eugene and had 17 people attend. We discussed having a presence at the Pow Wow and sending out a mailing to notify Grand Ronde tribal members of the impending vote for enrollment change.

Please let us know if you will be able to attend a future meeting and if you can assist with the mailings. You can contact us at We will contact you by email if possible.

Our purpose is to make sure that all Grand Ronde tribal members know about the vote. We want to make sure that all the members know how the enrollment vote of 1999 caused such damage in many families. We want you to also know the issues we will be voting on in the near future and how this will also effect your family.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Change Grand Ronde Enrollment

In 1999 we voted to change the Grand Ronde Constitution Enrollment. That change has caused many, many problems within Grand Ronde families. We will get the opportunity to fix these problems with a new vote. I encourage all of you to register to vote when the packet is sent from the Bureau of Indian Affairs and to vote to change the enrollment!